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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Republican Racist Bombs Dropping Over North Carolina

The people of the fucked-up state of North Carolina are stupid sons-of-bitches!
They elected into political power bat shit crazy, 
Black soil dirt sucking racist bastards, 
Black gum tobacco chewing KKK racist broken Y chromosome witches!

The Republican legislators are backwoods, backward snake-handling hillbillies on Crack!
They believe education is for heathens,
Female heath care is magically provided by God,
The Niggers should have never been given the right to vote in the first place,
And if they had their way... the Nigger hating Eugenics Program would be brought back!

The will of the people of N.C. means nothing to belligerent racist white KKK men!
They sneak into their offices under anonymity of their hoods,
They gerrymander the Niggers right out of their voting rights,
They punch all women directly in their sexual reproduction organs,
They fuck the poor and helpless right up their civil rights... now, that is black heart sin!

It is extremely difficult to feel sorry for N.C.'s descent into the depth of Republican Hell!
You, the people of the state, voted these evil bastards into office!
You, the people of the state, laid down on your stomachs to be fucked in your rights!
You, the people of the state, gave religion crazed bug tussle freaks state control --
And they are hell bent on dragging your asses into the murky antebellum Pell!

If a Nigger is kept stupid by the state laws... can he challenge the Racist leaders instead?
And if a woman dies from the uterine cancer eating her from the inside out?
And Planned Parenthood is shut down to shut out women's only health care?
And if another child is left motherless by Republican hatred and misogyny...
Who gives an N.C. fuck if the stupid and the ignorant and the poor drop dead!

North Carolina, the state of my birth... I cry for your black soul!
You are now a blight upon the earth my ancestors died upon for freedom and justice.
You are pissing all over the constitution like it is a dirty dog you do not respect.
Fuck you and the racist red necked bastards you sold your soul to for evil power. 
And will pussy ass North Carolinian's stand up and fight in the goddamn racist fishbowl? 

Don't hold your motherfucking breath, America!